Saturday, October 25, 2008

There comes a young man..

There comes a young man with a shuffling

gait. Right arm dangling useless. A smooth shaven pate.

Am about to pass by him when something says, ’Wait!’

I lift my head.,look into his eyes.

The radiance there shines through his disguise.

Now his bony sternum is chafing my face

as submerged in his aura we share an embrace.

Seems ages ago since we two met so

the warmth of emotion holding us in its glow.

I drink in the memories of the things we have done

Apart and together this my beautiful son.


Recollections return I’d rather forget.

My eyes start to burn. Can’t let him see me upset.

The cold hand of death has etched its mark

on his physical frame. Left him fragile and stark.

How could this young man so damaged, so thin

Be my firstborn son with his wide cheeky grin?

I still can’t begin to take it all in.


The way a vibrant young life so fulsome and bright

Was nearly extinguished, sucked into the night.

At life’s very edge is where you’ve been.

Curiosity devours me. Tell me, what have you seen

as you hovered for 5 weeks in that place in between?

So many times, prepared myself for your loss

Determined to be there, whatever pathway you crossed.

But if you had moved on and left me behind

an old age of contentment would have been hard to find.


Such a terrible thing for a mother to see

My whole being screaming – it should have been me!

Frantically searching for some rhyme or some reason

Why snatch you away while in your summer season?

I watched you drowning in unbearable pain

Felt it scorching your body Searing your brain

Although down inside me a voice wailed and cried

I held onto your hand Stayed there at your side.


Don’t ask me what quality gave me the strength

To witness your torment each day, at such length

All I wanted to do was to scream and to weep

Yet something compelled me this vigil to keep.

‘I left you once, when you were but a child

Is this retribution for self indulgence run wild?’

And so I stayed there, watched you writhe on the wrack

When you sank like a stone, stroked your brow, willed you back.

A mother’s first instinct is to keep her child warm

To comfort, to nurture – give protection from harm.

I did what I could son. It could never be enough

But a least I stood by you when the going got rough.


And when it was over – and we knew you’d survive

Of course, I am thankful that you’re still alive.

You’ve a long road before you, but till you reach the end

I’ll be here for you, a willing hand to lend.

No longer at your bedside, but at the end of the phone.

Just ring me any time son –no need to go it alone.


And if you need me with you, if helpless you’re feeling

Remember, that I’m always sending you healing.

If that’s not enough, then please let me know

I’ll be there with you, just give me your say so.

And if in the future you need to come to me

Wherever I live, bedrooms there will be three.

I love, I love you, whatever the cost

Mother’s love is eternal

whatever pathway’s been crossed.

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